This guide covers building a custom wishlist header launch point using Swym APIs.


Scroll to the bottom of this page for an easy copy paste solution!

Step 1: Initialise SwymCallbacks

    window.SwymCallbacks = [];

Step 2: Initialise the header icon

    this.button = this.querySelector('button');
    //All functional code here     

Step 3: Add an on-click event to the header icon that opens the Wishlist UI.


Code overview: : used to open the Wishlist UI. You may need to add your own function to close your wishlist modal in case it is a custom wishlist modal.

this.button.addEventListener('click', _openWishlistUi);

function _openWishlistUi(evt){
  // In case you have a custom wishlist page, modify the below code accordingly
  window.location = '/pages/wishlist'
  /* In case you need to use the default Swym Wishlist, 
  comment the above code (line 6) and uncomment the below code (line 11)  */

Step 4 (optional): Initialize the header counter if required.


Code overview:

getListsData() : Uses the swat.fetchLsts API to fetch a user's lists. The lists contains products that a user has wishlisted.


this.counter = this.querySelector(".swym-wishlist-header-counter");

  const counter = this.counter; 
  // Fetch the lists 

  async function getListsData(){
    return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
        callbackFn: data => resolve(data), 
        onError: error => reject(error)
  // Increase header count when product is added to the list.
  swat.evtLayer.addEventListener(swat.JSEvents.addedToWishlist, () => {
    const counterCount = +counter.innerHTML;
    counter.innerHTML =  counterCount+1; 

  // Decrease header count when product is removed from the list.
  swat.evtLayer.addEventListener(swat.JSEvents.removedFromWishlist, () => {
    const counterCount = +counter.innerHTML;
    if(counterCount >= 0) counter.innerHTML =  counterCount - 1; 
  // Fetch total number of products and update header counter.
  const listData = await getListsData();
  let products = [];
  for (const list of listData) {
    for (const product of list.listcontents) {
  this.counter.innerHTML = products.length;

Step 5: Add the HTML for the header icon

  <button id="swym-header-icon" aria-label="View Wishlist">
    {{ settings.swym_header_icon }}
  <button id="swym-header-icon" aria-label="View Wishlist">
    {{ settings.swym_header_icon }}
    <span class="swym-wishlist-header-counter"></span>

Step 6: Add styling for the header icon

  .swym-wishlist.swym-inject.header__icon { display: none }
  swym-header-icon #swym-header-icon {
    border: none; 
    width: auto; 
    height: 35px; 
    background: transparent; 
    display: flex; 
    align-items: end; 
    /* Update the color as per store requirements from the customisation settings */
    color: {{ settings.swym_header_icon_color }}; 

Step 7: Add schema settings to customize the header icon from Shopify's theme customizer

    "name": "Custom Header Implementation",
    "settings": [
        "type": "liquid",
        "id": "swym_header_icon",
        "label": "Swym Header icon",
        "default": "<svg height=\"24\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-miterlimit=\"2\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/\/2000\/svg\"><path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"m7.234 3.004c-2.652 0-5.234 1.829-5.234 5.177 0 3.725 4.345 7.727 9.303 9.303-8.814 9.303-12.54 0-3.353-2.58-5.168-5.229-5.168-1.836 0-3.646.866-4.771 2.554-1.13-1.696-2.935-2.563-4.766-2.563zm0 1.5c1.99.001 3.202 1.353 4.155 0 .471-.117.612-.314.955-1.339 2.19-2.694 4.159-2.694 1.796 0 3.729 1.148 3.729 3.668 0 2.671-2.881 5.673-8.5 11.127-5.454-5.285-8.5-8.389-8.5-11.127 0-1.125.389-2.069 1.124-2.727.673-.604 1.625-.95 2.61-.95z\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"\/><\/svg>"
        "type": "color",
        "id": "swym_header_icon_color",
        "label": "Swym Header Icon color",
        "default": "#FFFFFF"

Step 8: Add the header icon in the header section


Keep in mind that the name of the header file may vary depending on the themes, so it's important to determine the name of the header file.

{% render 'swym-custom-header' %}

One Step Copy Paste - Final Code


You would still need to follow step 7 to add the schema settings in order to use Shopify's theme customizer to customize the header icon.

    <button id="swym-header-icon" aria-label="View Wishlist">
        {{ settings.swym_header_icon }}
        <span class="swym-wishlist-header-counter"></span>

    .swym-wishlist.swym-inject.header__icon { display: none }
    swym-header-icon #swym-header-icon {
        border: none; 
        width: auto; 
        height: 35px; 
        background: transparent; 
        display: flex; 
        align-items: end; 
        /* Update the color as per store requirements from the customisation settings */
        color: {{ settings.swym_header_icon_color }}; 

    class SwymHeaderIcon extends HTMLElement{
          if (!window.SwymCallbacks) window.SwymCallbacks = [];

          this.button = this.querySelector('button');
          this.button.addEventListener('click', _openWishlistUi);

          function _openWishlistUi(evt){

          this.counter = this.querySelector(".swym-wishlist-header-counter");
            // Fetch the lists 
            async function getListsData(){
              return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
                  callbackFn: data => resolve(data), 
                  onError: error => reject(error)
            const listData = await getListsData();
            // Remove the duplicate occurences of products
            let products = {};
            for (const list of listData) {
              for (const product of list.listcontents) {
                  const epi = product.epi;
                  if (!products[epi]) {
                    products[epi] = product;
              this.counter.innerHTML = Object.values(products).length;
    customElements.define('swym-header-icon', SwymHeaderIcon);

Demo Store

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Password: demostore