Email Wishlist

Send an email of the wishlist contents to an email address.


Sends an email with the wishlist contents of the current user to a given email id.


swat.sendListViaEmail(params, onSuccess, onError)


This API is only supported for Logged in Users.

The user must have a valid source email address, which is picked up implicitly by the API. The user must be logged in to use this functionality.


// List ID You wish to email. 
let lid = "";

// information required to send the email
let params = {
	toEmailId: "", // To Email
	fromName: "ABC XYZ", // From Name 
	note: "Hey, check out these products!",  // Note 
	lid: lid, // null when multiple list is not enabled
	cprops: {}, // custom props for the share, future usage

// Success Callback.
let onSuccess = function(response) {
	console.log("Successfully sent the wishlist contents via Email", response)

// Error Callback.
let onError = function(error) {
  // Error is an xhrObject
	console.log("There was an Error Sending the email", error);

// Send API 
swat.sendListViaEmail(params, onSuccess, onError);

API Parameters

params.lidguidlist id of the list you wish to share.
params.toEmailIdstringAn email Id to send the wihlist to
params.fromNamestringThe sender's name
params.notestringSome personal note that needs to be sent along with the email contents
objectReserved for future
onSuccessfunctionA callback function which takes a single argument (JSON response from the swym service)
onErrorfunctionA callback function that gets called if the send failed

Success Response

    "listinfo": {
        "di": "c3feba7e-c0e0-47cb-be5e-5c32e688fa84",
        "listcontents": [
                "di": "c3feba7e-c0e0-47cb-be5e-5c32e688fa84",
                "bt": "Swym Marketing",
                "dt": "Circle Pink Basin with Gold Rim",
                "cts": 1679570465816,
                "empi": 7096233230534,
                "sku": "23",
                "cby": null,
                "lid": "9f63f7b3-2db4-42ae-bf8b-d728484cad60",
                "du": "",
                "pid": "KABSbuGyYCuM6/IV7e7cGxT1978LieU1jRdMt6XhYfo=",
                "epi": 41254658539718,
                "id": "4faa55ca-0c17-409b-aa55-ca0c17809bdf",
                "uts": 1679570465816,
                "_pkey": "c3feba7e",
                "iu": "",
                "_t": 2,
                "uby": null,
                "pr": 300.0
                "di": "c3feba7e-c0e0-47cb-be5e-5c32e688fa84",
                "bt": "Swym Marketing",
                "dt": "Circle Basin White",
                "cts": 1679570438391,
                "empi": 7096232476870,
                "sku": "23",
                "cby": null,
                "lid": "9f63f7b3-2db4-42ae-bf8b-d728484cad60",
                "du": "",
                "pid": "KABSbuGyYCuM6/IV7e7cGxT1978LieU1jRdMt6XhYfo=",
                "epi": 41254657360070,
                "id": "a6a1541a-f546-4c77-a154-1af5464c776e",
                "uts": 1679570438391,
                "_pkey": "c3feba7e",
                "iu": "",
                "_t": 2,
                "uby": null,
                "pr": 300.0
                "di": "c3feba7e-c0e0-47cb-be5e-5c32e688fa84",
                "bt": "Swym Demo",
                "dt": "Striped Bag",
                "cts": 1666196721008,
                "empi": 6575309390022,
                "cby": null,
                "lid": "9f63f7b3-2db4-42ae-bf8b-d728484cad60",
                "du": "",
                "pid": "KABSbuGyYCuM6/IV7e7cGxT1978LieU1jRdMt6XhYfo=",
                "epi": 39413927182534,
                "id": "24300d50-cdbd-4de4-b00d-50cdbd6de473",
                "uts": 1679313702035,
                "_pkey": "c3feba7e",
                "iu": "",
                "_t": 2,
                "uby": null,
                "pr": 17.0,
                "vi": "Black"
        "userinfo": null,
        "lty": "wl",
        "cts": 1666196720652,
        "anonRead": 1,
        "cnt": 3,
        "lname": "My Wishlist",
        "cby": null,
        "lid": "9f63f7b3-2db4-42ae-bf8b-d728484cad60",
        "pid": "KABSbuGyYCuM6/IV7e7cGxT1978LieU1jRdMt6XhYfo=",
        "st": 1,
        "id": "b7ffab8f-6f40-41ca-bfab-8f6f40d1ca5c",
        "uts": 1680008865557,
        "_pkey": "c3feba7e",
        "_t": 1,
        "itemcmnts": 0,
        "uby": null,
        "lhash": "bXktd2lzaGxpc3Q="
    "msg": "List emailed successfully."


The template we send is the default Wishlist Share Template; if you want to customize it, this may be a fee-based endeavour.