Fetch Subscriptions[DRAFT]
Fetch all subscriptions of a Shopper
Fetch all subscriptions a shopper is subscribed to.
swat.fetchSubscriptions(params, onSuccess, onError)
Follow the example for retrieving back-in-stock or coming-soon subscriptions across all mediums or filtered by a specific medium.
let params = {
topic: 'backinstock',
medium: 'email' // Optional - 'email' or 'sms', When not specified fetches all mediums
// Success Callback
let onSuccess = function(response) {
console.log("Fetch Subscriptions Response", response);
// Error Callback
let onError = function(error) {
console.log("Error While Fetching Subscriptions", error);
// Sample call
swat.fetchSubscriptions(params, onSuccess, onError);
let params = {
topic: 'comingsoon',
medium: 'email' // Optional - 'email' or 'sms', When not specified fetches all mediums
// Success Callback
let onSuccess = function(response) {
console.log("Fetch Subscriptions Response", response);
// Error Callback
let onError = function(error) {
console.log("Error While Fetching Subscriptions", error);
// Sample call..
swat.fetchSubscriptions(params, onSuccess, onError);
API Parameters
Argument | Type | Description |
params | object | topic - We offer support for two topics: "comingsoon" and "backinstock". medium - Optional parameter - When not specified fetches all mediums or filter by email or sms |
onSuccess | function | Function that gets called after a successful API call |
onError | function | Function that gets called when an error occurs |
// Limit
"limit": 10,
// Offset
"offset": 0,
// Total number of records that is available for this shopper
"total": 1,
"subscriptions": [
// Medium that the shopper subscribed to
"medium": "email",
// Title of the product that the shopper subscribed to
"dt": "Ceramic Oval Basin",
// Created Timestamp
"cts": 1713410738844,
// Topic to which the shopper subscribed to
"topic": "backinstock",
// Product ID of the product to which the shopper subscribed to
"empi": 7096231231686,
// created by - This will be available when this was manually created by someone else other than merchant
// This will be available(not redacted) if the shopper is logged in
"cby": "",
// Product URL
"du": "https://demo.swym.it/products/ceramic-oval-basin",
// Unique identifier for the store
"pid": "KABSbuGyYCuM6/IV7e7cGxT1978LieU1jRdMt6XhYfo=",
// Variant ID of the product to which the shopper subscribed to
"epi": 41254655393990,
// Status of the subscription 0 when not sent, 1 when sent and 2 when processing
"status": 0,
// Medium value with which the shopper subscribed
// This will be available(not redacted) if the shopper is logged in
"mediumvalue": "support@swymcorp.com",
// Updated Timestamp
"uts": 1713410738844,
// Image URL of the product to which the shopper subscribed
"iu": "https://demo.swym.it/cdn/shop/products/ceramicovalbasin_1024x1024@2x.jpg?v=1637582881",
// updated by - This will be available when this was manually updated by someone else other than merchant
// This will be available(not redacted) if the shopper is logged in
"uby": "",
// Price of the product to which the shopper subscribed
"pr": 300,
// Category of the product to which the shopper subscribed
"ct": "",
// Variant title of the variant to which the shopper subscribed
"vi": "Default Title"
Updated 4 months ago